Great Designs. We feel like your work is definitely representing the "Handcrafted" feel we are after and will work with the look and feel of our atmosphere. We like the symbolic nature of the ribbons with buttons; however would like to see if you would be interested in giving us some additional ideas with different types of symbols. The ones in the Peel are a cool idea. One thought is that if the Peel is upright it can either look like a sign/tree/mushroom and give the impression as a peel that it is being served away from you. Can you try placing the handle at the the impression that it is being served to you? Thank you so much!!
Thank you so much for the feedback and ranking. I'm really glad you liked. I've uploaded some new logos with your suggestions, I hope you like. Please let me know you thoughts and if you like to see any other changes or ideas (colors, fonts, symbols, etc.). Tomorrow I'll work on it. Your feedback is always welcome.
Hi Catarina, thank you so much for taking our feedback into consideration, we really appreciate it! We're continuing to evaluate designs with our team as they come in so thanks so much for your patience! :0)