Thank you, Baco, for this design. Department administration has reviewed it and we have some small tweaks to suggest to finalize it. We appreciate your work and are excited for delivery of the final artwork files.
Baco - Thank you. Here is the administration feedback that was received. It essentially involves combining the pumpkin man with the text of Trick Or Treat Trail, retaining all other design elements. Hopefully, that's not a huge change to ask you to make.
"We like elements of this logo. I would like to see if the designer could incorporate more of the imagery into the letters of Trick or Treat Trail rather than creating a picture. Maybe they could turn the O in the word OR into the pumpkin and have the pumpkins legs extending below the text and the arms above and/or around the words Trick or Treat."
Yes! Please send to and cc to (just to make sure it doesn't get caught in the City's email filter.). Thank you!