So far, your design is the most unique. It took me a few minutes to realize I was looking at the front of the lens. I'm not sure clients would get it - maybe adding a bit of the lens barrel might help(?). As I'm writing this, I just realized there is an image of a dog and cat. These are super subtle and I thing would get totally lost once I use the logo on a business card or something where it would be rather small and lose detail, for the same reason I'd like to see lettering a bit larger for "Paw Prints" and "Pet Photography." Font-wise, the block letters are so heavy, I'd like to see something a bit softer conveying some personality or maybe some artistry.
I like this one the most from your round 2 submittals. The added camera body is great, and would like to see it outlined in a similar way to the lense. The animal shape outlines really help, but I'd like the color to be more subtle and the lines a little softer. I can make out the cat just fine, but I'm not sure if the one on the other side is a dog (?) - the ears and similar curvy tail are throwing me off a bit (though I like the symmetry in the tails). The middle is a bird of some kind, but not clear on what exactly.
Forgot one thing regarding the dog - I really liked the style of the ears and tail on your orignal entry #8 and would love to see them incorporated in this one (#11).
Thanks for the quick work - I really like this!! I'm asking for my network to weight in on all the top ranked, and I'll let you know if there's more feedback.