#85 -I like the way it flows into the Patty MD.. Please try another design rather than a house like a wave or swirl. Maybe a black palm tree or black trunk. Also, is it possible to add a subhead of Patty Moore-Davidson?
Logos must be black, red and white. Logos must incorporate: Patty MD, Patty Moore-Davidson. Optionally would like to have: www.pattymd.com (#6 has all elements and I can use just the top part if need)
The contest is almost over, please: #95 - remove "www.pattymd.com".
#97 remove the palm tree, remove "www.pattymd.com
#106, #107 - try "real estate" in red font
#98, #97, #95, #106 - make last line "Patty Moore-Davidson" (take out "real estate" - currently used 2 times)- use black font and stretch the name across the botton
#98,#97,#95, #106 - regarding my comment about Patty Moore-Davidson. What I mean by stretching the name includes using bold font and potentially all caps.
sory i had to withdraw my entry #98, #106, #107 another designer has claimed that those kind of design r belong to him once again thanks for ur apreciation, feedback and direction but i dont think i will win this contest due to the other designer behaviour here unless have decide other ways thanks
regarding my last comment: I prefer Patty Moore-Davidson Real Estate to be in black with Real Estate bolded. However, you could try Real Estate in red.
Thank you again for your designs. I would like a few options in order to make a decision:
I like the way the Patty Moore-Davidson Real Estate looks in #147 (ie black/unbolded and red/bold). Please make uniform on the designs. For example: #155 - unbold "Patty Moore-Davidson" #125 - bold and red color "Real Estate" Also: #125 and #85 - Try a black trunk on the tree and all black tree #85 1st - Put Patty Moore-Davidson centered and under the logo #85 - 2nd - Delete "Real Estate and draw line all the way across logo to end of MD. Put Patty Moore-Davidson" (Black unbold) "Real Estate" (red-bold) under the line.
the revision has submited sir wish u like it and if there any detaile need to be change just let me know even after this contest has ended im still open to make the change on detail u may need thanks
It is a pleasure to work with you. You are very talented.
#84 - I like the font size of "Real Esate" because you can read it. However, can you try extending the line to the end of "Y" and add Patty Moore-Davidson under the line, even though you have to make "Real Estate" smaller? To summarize: There will be the line from the house to the "Y" and then the word "Real Estate". Under the line is "Patty Moore-Davidson
revision has been submited sir.... its already late and need some rest here if there any other detail need to be change just let me know... i will make the change on the early morning... and wish u have got the decision after that once again thanks.. and wish u all luck
thanks sir u can contact me on my email lj.creative@yahoo.co.id dont hesitate to contact me if there any other detail need to be changed or if there any other project u need me to work for......... once again thanks... i wish it can be the begining for our fuerther relationship in design work
helo sir thanks for re-open the contest here.... i guess u have get the one u after here and i dont think thats mine... btw thanks for ur feedback and direction so far and wish u all the best thanks