with my long experience in the field of advertising, I tried to make a logo with a simple concept that allows us to use in various applications, such as for applications in the corporate office logo, web, mugs, printing, making promotional media such as billboards, letter plates arise, neon sign, neon box etc.
with my long experience in the field of advertising, I tried to make a logo with a simple concept that allows us to use in various applications, such as for applications in the corporate office logo, web, mugs, printing, making promotional media such as billboards, letter plates arise, neon sign, neon box etc.
I like #236 better than #235, but the patty moore-davidson get's too small on #236. When printed out, it is difficult to read. On both #235 and #236 Is there a way to make the red font the same color but bolder? Not necessarily bigger, bolder.
1. I like # 237, but still can't read the Patty Moore-Davidson Real Esate very well. Please make it bolder like 238.
2. Also, is there a way with #237 that you add more spacing in the letters Patty MD so that you can make the Patty Moore-Davidson Real Esate larger. Try making MD the same height as the "Y" in Patty and stretch it a little.
I like #239, but #244 is the unique, cause i made the "MD" by my self not a font. But, its all up to you :) emm.. i preffer #244 it make PattyMD look Different and unique..
Would it be possible to show me #244 and #239 with a vertical line like in #242. Also do the same with "Real Estate" in black (bold or unbold) and all caps. Then I will decide.
Yes, looks good, but I wanted to see "Real Estate" in all capital letters. Something to make it stand out, but maybe be a bit more subtle than the red.
Ano - To clarify what I said above. Pleae make "REAL ESTATE" all caps like this. Also make it black in color. Please do this on #239, 246, 247, 244 Thanks, Patty MD
#255 is the logo I am going to pick. Please do it without the TM and I will select. Thank you for all of your hard work and many very good designs. Patty MD