I have decided I would like go ahead with your logo for our Company Logo.
I would however like to add our phone number underneath the words. 715-533-0186
I look forwrd to hearing back from you soon.
thank you for your submission. we are evaluating this one among other submissions.
we will let you know if we would like to move forward with your logo option.
thank you for your submission. we are evaluating this one among other submissions.
we will let you know if we would like to move forward with your logo option.
Comment Activity
Congratulations, you have won the contest.
i would like to have the logo with and without the phone number please, if possible.
thank you Levi
I would however like to add our phone number underneath the words. 715-533-0186
I look forwrd to hearing back from you soon.
we will let you know if we would like to move forward with your logo option.
we will let you know if we would like to move forward with your logo option.