We like the style and simplicity. Perhaps the CIRCLED B could be a bit smaller and the "WE'RE CLOSE TO YOU" a little bit larger. Might see how the B looks on the other side too, and maybe with a blue circle
11 and 10 seem very similar. We mildly prefer the 11 style. In both, I have a hard time discerning the color of the PLB print and Circle B (we can the the tag line in green). Can you do a version of the PLB print in a gold and a mahogany color?
We are slightly partial to #33 vs. 32. Would you try one with all gold font, and one with all gold font, except the "We're Close To You" tagline in a deep rich brown/mahogany. Also give us #33, and these iterations with a less stylized B in the circle. By less stylized, we mean no "greek column" and no attempt to hint at a P/B combination. Thank you!