Thanks for submitting your designs!
I'm really drawn to #3. I like the basic concept of the star and the abstract cup.
However, I think the star could be a bit more interesting...I'm thinking maybe a lone star design, best example I could find is a tattoo: 1.bp.blogspot.com/_OEicuVTMbPg/R9fVUeKeGvI/AAAAAAAAAG4/SgXeYuUZr6U/s320/Star.jpg
Just to give you the idea.
But as I'm going to be setting up in Texas, I don't want to be too "texas", and the lone star has that association very strongly.
I also think the cup could be simpler...a little more outline of a cup, maybe.
Also, I like the font, but I think I like the font of the word "Coffee" in zrox's design. It's pushing a little more "modern", but I like your "Patika"
Thanks again for your designs!