path2speech.comLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / has selected their winning logo design.

For $275 they received 49 designs from 8 different designers from around the world.
Prefers others.


Logo Designer
I used both the green path leading to the blue speech bubble as well as the double arrowed line under the name leading you from 'path' to 'speech' which also doubles as a child's smile. Looking loosely at the over all logo you can also see the #2 which would have been more clear if there was a frown instead of smile, but the services offered by this company turned it to a smile. The 2 shape made by the mark spawns a few other directions you can take the logo from here, like the "path and speech bubble 2" being in the middle and the words path and flanking it so you see the 2 more clearly...
12 years ago
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