Many thanks for your idea submissions! I love your creative globe--shows action! I really like entry #14 and would like to see it with the globe to either the left or right. Also, is it possible to make the blue in "Career" a brighter, luminescent blue? Would also love to see if you can incorporate purple and green as secondary colors...maybe on the globe (maybe each swirl a blue, orange, purple, green) or somehow into the tag line. Please keep submitting!! Love your work!
Many thanks for your additional contributions. I love the way you incorporated the 4 colors into the globe design! I particularly like #58 and #59. Would you be willing to continue working with these 2 designs and play around with the lettering and the colors on the lettering? For example, I love the way you changed the blue...we're looking for a unique blue that makes one think of clear, calm ocean (to reduce stress among clients while still using a blue that resonates with corporate people). I'd love to see some different oranges, if that is possible...colors that may help describe what we are looking for are: spicy orange, rusty orange, coral orange, basketball orange, caramel orange, terra cotta orange, cinnamon or ginger orange (these may be too brown, but maybe not). Hope this sparks some ideas.
Please keep submitting as I really like your designs!!! I'll re-rank shortly!
Many thanks for your updates! I'm really happy with the direction things are going. I'd really like to discuss some slight changes to #80 as I think it's an excellent design! Here are my thoughts: -- would like to see the word "PASSPORT" stretch across to the end of the word "Career" -- maybe 2 versions of it: one with "passport" in a larger type size and one with it the same size (maybe bolder) but with the letters spread out a bit with space between them. I'd also like to see some other orange options as this one comes across a bit red on my screen. I'd also be interested in seeing "PASSPORT" in a different font--maybe something that looks more like a passport (a stamped-type or stencil-type letter). --"Make your career move" also needs to be better lined up to either start at the same point where the "P" in "passport" begins or at the very beginning of the "C" in career. I'm also not sure if the blue lettering works with the blue in "Career." Any creative thoughts on what to do about this? Maybe use the orange? Or maybe a grey that ties it into the shadow on the globe? --What do you think about changing "Career" to some kind of italics to convey motion and tie it in more with the globe? I'd love to see what that may look like and then decide which direction to go in. I think if "Career" is in italics then "Make your career move" doesn't need to be in italics. --I also really like the blue that you used on the globe in #61--especially in the middle of the globe--it pops out...would it be possible to try out this blue on the blue swirl on the globe as well as in the word that is in blue?
Sorry that I have so many requests, but I'm thrilled with the possibilities of this design and would love to see some of these changes to see if this logo would work for us. Many thanks for your contributions and continued interest!!
Feel free to send me a message if you have any questions.
My team and I LOVE your work!!! We really think there are strong possibilities for #106 or #101 and would like to ask you to make a few changes so we can see where this goes!
CHANGES TO #106: -- would you please change the outline box around "PASSPORT" to look a bit more like a stamp so it's not a perfect line....kind of like the way the letters in PASSPORT are more stamp-like looking. -- could you make the tagline "Make your career move" a bit bolder and a bit brighter...the color seems a bit too dark...maybe we could see a few different color options. --would you mind creating one logo with the globe on the right and then one on the left (our team has been reacting differently so it would be great for the to see both to decide which they like better) -- is it possible to add a slight reflective shine of the word "Career" so it has a slight reflection like the globe? (We're not sure if we want this, so if you could create one version with it and one without it so we have a sense of how it might look...thanks!) -- the swirls and colors on them are perfect and we love them! We were wondering if it might look too busy if you created a light, grey shaded continent on the white part of the globe. It might look really cool...but it might be too it possible to see a version with this? -- the yellow arrow at the top of the globe is hard to you think you could make it look more like an arrow tip? or maybe just remove the arrow tip? Can we see a version of both?
We hope you don't mind creating 2 or 3 versions with these changes and hopefully we can then pull together our preferred elements from each of the 2 or 3 and come up with a winning logo! We are really happy with your work and THANK YOU so much!!!
Good Morning Susan and the Passport Career team, I am currently away from my computer, Sure and don't worry, i will update my entries as requested by tonight jakarta time
Our team is looking at all of your designs and they love them!!! Thank you for the additional submissions. We'll re-rank everything shortly!
Overall, I think your original globe (without the grey continent) looks cleaner..,but thank you for your willingness to play around with our ideas, which clearly are not as creative and as good as yours!!!!
My team and I want to THANK YOU so much for all of your work, effort, and creative submissions to our Passport Career logo contest! You are truly a talented and gifted designer and we had a very difficult time making a final decision. Your logo was very popular with our team! We wish you all the best with future contests, and we may be in touch as sometime in the future to see if you might be interested in doing some graphic design work for us.
If you have a website and email address, would you please send them to me at so we know where to reach you.
My best wishes to you, Susan Musich Managing Director Passport Career, LLC