We like the number #17 and #19 but we would prefer to have the blue in SOLID color instead of the shade. Maybe you try some other ideas with the TICK mark and try different shades of blue and font styles. Maybe also add some sort of icon or image on the left side of the logo.
#31 is what we like most. Can you try different shades of blue and red on this style. Secondly, is there anyway you can make this modern? Like some more classy Checkbox or that bottom red line. We need to make it look modern and sharp.
Entry #31....... Please change the blue to a little bit lighter but solid #57 and #54 are too light. A little bit darker than that. Secondly, Please change the red to Gradient with the shde of #57
(Please take exact shade of blue of #55 and apply to #52) please check #60
(Entry #31....... Please change the blue to a little bit lighter but solid #57 and #54 are too light. A little bit darker than that. Secondly, Please change the red to Gradient with the shde of #57) please check #61
I have one idea maybe you want to try. I was looking at your portfolio and you tried lawsmart.com I really like what you did with the W in that logo. Maybe remove the tick mark and try something like lawsmart winner logo
#107. Can you please add a red underline mark back on this logo. Additionally, Please send me color treatments for #107 in the shades of #31 and top2 logos in my rank list.