PasadenaViews Real Estate TeamLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / PasadenaViews Real Estate Team

PasadenaViews Real Estate Team has selected their winning logo design.

For $300 they received 193 designs from 20 different designers from around the world.










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Logo Designer
The P and around the block. a different more casual modern look. feedback helps to make a good logo.

(This comment references Entry #17)
14 years ago
I like the P around the block... interesting and catchy... Not sure that I like the font for PV although it might grow on me... need to look at it for awhile... Like how simple, but "eye catchy" this is... definitely on the right track.

Not sure how I feel about the green/yellow combination... have to give it some thought... :) THANKS!!!!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
different color scheme and font - like script as it is more personal. high contrast colors stand out. thanks for feedback

(This comment references Entry #18)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
the world extends near So. Calif in this idea.

(This comment references Entry #19)
14 years ago
Hi Carol, I like the new color combination (navy and orange) #18, but I think I like the 1st font (#17) better.

#19 is a little off for me... however, it made me think that the globe and the line in between Pasadena and Views almost looks like an "old fashioned" key with the V almost being the end part. What do you think about a variation on that? Thank you!!!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
first font in other colors. per request

(This comment references Entry #20)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Key - with View as part of the key... might want to work on this one a bit - but your feedback appreciated. Got to do my real work now but will check in tonight. C

(This comment references Entry #21)
14 years ago
#21... yes!!!! love the idea and love the Views and how it was incorporated... edgy... love this concept... maybe... a bit more refined... not sure that I like font for pasadena and maybe a darker blue... talk with you tonight. Thanks for listening!

PS maybe bring out real estate a bit more so it doesn't look like I'm a locksmith... :)
PPS i'm thinking maybe a more elegant key, possibly even an antique look to give it a more luxury feel still somehow keeping the views as the "teeth" if possible. A little skinnier?
14 years ago
#20 can you extend the end of the square just a bit to turn that into the key part of the skeleton key. What do you think? Thank you!
14 years ago
#20 one more variation... Leave as is, but pivot the P inside the block just a bit to make it look like a very simple rose... A play on the city of roses.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
a few more variations of font and key...

(This comment references Entry #27)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
hope I understood your request - 1 an abstract rose look from top

(This comment references Entry #29)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
a more realistic but modern simple rose...

(This comment references Entry #30)
14 years ago
perfect... abstract rose on #29... not sure if it can be rotated to look more like a rose, but if not, I like it the way it is...

Also, not sure if you saw my previous comment... was thinking that we can also try extending the end of the bottom of the square just a teeny bit towards the "i and e" of the View and make the end into the key part of a skeleton type key. Not sure if that's doable... but that might look very cool.

PS also noticed that on #29 the Real Estate Team moved up just a bit towards the square from the previous version... can you move it down to where it was before.

PPS let's remove the slogan... "our world is your home"... for a cleaner look as well. Thank you!!!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
not positive this is what you mean - but good working together on this - the 'key' could be interpreted as a doorway also... interesting. thanks

(This comment references Entry #34)
14 years ago
Hi Carol, I am still drawn to the original design... it's really simple, but distinctive. Can you take #35 and show me what it would look like on a cream background... sort of like what I have on or maybe even lighter... any other background color suggestions would be appreciated as well. Thank you again!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
with the background color from your website and the orange modified to closer to the rust color on your site.
thanks for feedback

(This comment references Entry #41)
14 years ago
Awesome... thanks! I'll be changing the header once we make the final decision on the logo. The color doesn't have to match the background of the site... easy to change. I'm thinking that maybe a creamier (lighter with not as much pink) background would work better with the logo... but am open to suggestions. Also, curious to see what the logo would look like with the rust color without the background, if it's not too much trouble. THANKS!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
per request - the colors on every monitor are a bit different so this is not easy to show - made more of a taupe color - you need to look at 'web safe' colors for electronic but you need true Pantone colors for your print items. If there is a printer near you maybe they can show you the PMS color chart - I have used PMS 273 for the blue which is on the violet side and PMS 7517 for the rust but because they tend to show better and richer on the web. This can be adjusted easily.

(This comment references Entry #47)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
here is the 'reverse' of the colors on white background

(This comment references Entry #48)
14 years ago
Carol, thank you so much... this is getting harder and harder. :)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
You have to pick the best logo for you and there are some great designers here at LT. I love to win or at least to be in the top 3 - and I love to design - but it is not my 'day job' as I am in the promo business.

I hope you get the best logo and it works well for you!


14 years ago
Carol, thank you so very much! This is very, very hard... mainly because the ideas are all so different and this is going to set a new direction for our marketing campaign. I have extended the contest for a few days to get together with my team and make the final decision... hoping to have everything finalized by the weekend! And... I checked out your promo site... will definitely visit there as soon as everything is finalized on this end. :) Thanks again!
14 years ago
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