PasadenaViews Real Estate TeamLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / PasadenaViews Real Estate Team

PasadenaViews Real Estate Team has selected their winning logo design.

For $300 they received 193 designs from 20 different designers from around the world.






























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Logo Designer
I decided to go with a look of luxury and sophistication. The Red Door would become a key element in other marketing campaigns. feedback welcome.

K Carroll

(This comment references Entry #42)
14 years ago
Really like it! Crisp, clean, modern and sophisticated. Will share with the team in a bit. Thank you! :)
14 years ago
K Carroll, thank you for add'l ideas... we really like the warmness that #43 adds to the design....
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you for the comments. Please let me know if I can give you any variations to this concept. Good Luck!

Kyle Carroll
14 years ago
Thanks Kyle... you are so talented... this is very hard! At this point, it's deciding the concept.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
New concept, open for color suggestions.

(This comment references Entry #61)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
New concept, open for color suggestions.

(This comment references Entry #62)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
As a simple 2 color design.

(This comment references Entry #65)
14 years ago
We really like #64, #65 designs... thank you... can you change the houses to have Pasadena City Hall (see general comments - just updated) and maybe a few smaller homes on the side.

Also, not sure that i like the teal/blue... might need to think about that... so other color combinations would be great. THANKS for everything.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you for the feedback. I can make the changes in the morning when I get to the office. Colors can be tweaked to your desire. If you have an ideas or preferences, just let me know. Thanks
14 years ago
Thanks Kyle... And maybe the city hall/houses in a similar "sketchy" sort of way... Hope this makes sense... The blue is beginning to grow on me ESP in this color scheme... but open to other color ideas... :)
14 years ago
Kyle, also... #43, can you change the door to a window? THX
14 years ago
Logo Designer
I have added the figure of the "city Hall" in the middle and a few more houses. I removed the taller building figures. A new color scheme of a vibrant green (growth) and a wineberry color, well because I like red Wine :). Your thoughts are appreciated.

(This comment references Entry #70)
14 years ago
Hmmm.... a red wine drinker? nice...

I really like your city hall... can I also see #70 without the boxes over the homes and city hall? Also, not sure if possible making the city hall tower a bit more over the other structures... Thanks again!!!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
No problem, I will work on the "Window" design this evening. Look for the updates
14 years ago
Logo Designer
I wanted to make you aware that I will be leaving on a short vaction this Sunday and will not return until Tuesday. Just wanted to let you know in case you need any changes prior to the final judging . Thanks again for your feedback and participation.

14 years ago
Logo Designer
I wanted to make you aware that I will be leaving on a short vaction this Sunday and will not return until Tuesday. Just wanted to let you know in case you need any changes prior to the final judging . Thanks again for your feedback and participation.

14 years ago
Kyle, thank YOU! I should be making a decision soon... hopefully, before you leave. Thanks again!!!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Here is the window view. I need to refine a little. Let me know if you would like to persue this idea further.

(This comment references Entry #72)
14 years ago
Hi Kyle, thanks for the window... we're leaning more and more towards #70. I wonder if it's not too much trouble to try to make the surrounding homes a teeny bit lower to have the effect of the city hall towering over the homes. Pasadena is pretty flat... not too many multi-level structures.

Also, is there a way to bring a little more focus to the "real estate team"? The colors work really well... I like them a lot. But, if necessary, we can always adjust them later.

I very much like the white background, but if we were to put that on a background, what color would you suggest? Also, can you show us how this would look in black & white or gray scale.

Thank you!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Here is the design with the white background, houses level, and towering City Hall. I can increase the size of the city hall if you like. I also added a few more elements within the buildings.

My next submission shows the same logo on a dark background. For color I choose the wineberry to keep the consistency of the colors in your logo. I will send a black and white version next. Keep the feedback rolling, I have set up my home office for the weekend. Thanks

(This comment references Entry #73)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
And the black and white (positive/negetative/grey scale)

(This comment references Entry #75)
14 years ago
These are awesome Kyle... I think at this point, it is more a decision between the 2 concepts... Yours and Nancy's. They are totally different and will require different marketing approaches.

I'm probably going to close out the contest early and then decide between the two. I would definitely want to tweak the cityscape a bit to make it look a bit more like Pasadena, but am not worries about making those changes at this time. I would like to finalize the concept first.

Truely beautiful work. Thank you so much... This is way too hard!

Talk with you soon!
14 years ago
These are awesome Kyle... I think at this point, it is more a decision between the 2 concepts... Yours and Nancy's. They are totally different and will require different marketing approaches.

I'm probably going to close out the contest early and then decide between the two. I would definitely want to tweak the cityscape a bit to make it look a bit more like Pasadena, but am not worries about making those changes at this time. I would like to finalize the concept first.

Truely beautiful work. Thank you so much... This is way too hard!

Talk with you soon!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks for the kind words. I hope this was an enjoyable experience for you. Good Luck with the judging process.
14 years ago
Hi Kyle, yes... great, but overwhelming experience! Thank you!!!

My team is insisting that we work through this and keep the contest open a bit more.

We were thinking what if we take #73 and simplify the cityscape a bit... maybe just make an outline of city hall the way it is in the flickr photo here - This way, it might be more representative of the city hall vs. looking a bit like a church.

Also, can we see one design with just one block vs. three, but still keeping the outer edges like you currently have... it might take away from the feel of the logo, but if it's not too difficult would love to have as a comparison.

Also, I know that you're leaving tomorrow, so if you can't get to it before you leave, don't worry about it. We can always work on that upon your return.

thanks again!!!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
The design with one box and City Hall only. May need to add a view more windows??

(This comment references Entry #92)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Color fill with a few other changes.

(This comment references Entry #93)
14 years ago
Kyle, you captured the city hall beautifully... could recognize it immediately on #92... not sure if more windows will make it too busy, but if you think it would look better or more interesting, give it a shot.

Will #92 look good with the 3 box separated or will it be too broken up?

Color scheme on #93 reminds me a bit of a mosque. :) LOL

PS looking at #92 and #77 side by side, I think that the city hall probably would look better if it was more pronounced. I also think that the box is not as wide since the separators have been taken out and potentially a teeny bit out of proportion.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
2 revisions uploaded. For the proportion of the building, does the base need to be wider as opposed to the "dome". The base referring to the office? Does that make sense?

(This comment references Entry #94)
14 years ago
yes... it makes sense... either making the base a teeny bit wider or maybe just moving the windows flanking the city hall on each side further out or just removing them all together.

Also found the back view picture of city hall if that helps -

The extra windows in #95 make it a bit too busy.

maybe even removing the windows and putting a couple of arches as in the above pic?

Thank you!!!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Any closer?

(This comment references Entry #96)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
without windows?

(This comment references Entry #97)
14 years ago
#97 do not like without windows totally... looks empty
#96 definitely closer... what if we remove the 2 windows in the middle box and just fill in the space with a line stroke if necessary
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Removed 2 upstairs interior windows

(This comment references Entry #99)
14 years ago
Cool... thanks Kyle...

Before you take off... can you upload #99 in gray scale as in #77 (at least I think it's gray scale). This will give me more than enough for discussion with the team on Monday am.

Now... please enjoy your weekend... promise not to bug you anymore.

Thanks for everything!

OOPS meant to say #96... but if you have #99 ready, it's totally fine and don't worry about it. thx
14 years ago
Thanks for #98... just saw it. :)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
No problem, good luck with the judging. I will have access to reply to questions and comments while away, making changes will be the issue. If you need any changes I can do them on Tuesday evening.

Best Regards

14 years ago
Thank you... this is perfect... enjoy your vacation!
14 years ago
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