Than you for you submission. I like the image and symbolism in this. If has a winding path, and the outline is a compass. Here are few thoughts for enhancing it even further.
The notches on the compass strike me as sharp (spikes?). If it could convey the image of a compass in a less rigid way, that would be more comforting. Also, the mountain image gave me the impression that my company sells outdoor gear! It’s cool, but I think emphasizing an artfully drawn path or bridge might be a better feel.
Finally, I’d be curious to see what the logo would look like in different fonts. I’m no expert on fonts, but ideally the title should communicate masculinity, refinement, and reassurance.
I know that’s a lot, and I appreciate your help in designing the perfect logo. Thank you!
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Than you for you submission. I like the image and symbolism in this. If has a winding path, and the outline is a compass. Here are few thoughts for enhancing it even further.
The notches on the compass strike me as sharp (spikes?). If it could convey the image of a compass in a less rigid way, that would be more comforting. Also, the mountain image gave me the impression that my company sells outdoor gear! It’s cool, but I think emphasizing an artfully drawn path or bridge might be a better feel.
Finally, I’d be curious to see what the logo would look like in different fonts. I’m no expert on fonts, but ideally the title should communicate masculinity, refinement, and reassurance.
I know that’s a lot, and I appreciate your help in designing the perfect logo. Thank you!
Hope you´re having a good day.
Feel free if You have any suggestion or anything please let me know.
It will be my pleasure to work it.
Many thanks.
Best Regards,
Harsa Bachtiar