#55 Thankyou for submitting again, we thought we had lost you.... The words underneath seem to out of proportion to the image, maybe try splitting up the words 'MULLIGANS FLAT' & 'WOODLAND SANCTUARY'. Then you may be able to reproportion the image with the words (make image bigger maybe). Now the image needs some work, the trees have all the same branches and leaves, please make them different to each other (look at other designs). They are also a bit long a skinny. The grasses are good but try to make them like grass tussocks or like groups of grasses, not just evenly spaced across the bottom of the image. The bird is good but maybe remove it from where it is and put it on a stick closer to the ground or remove it totally and replace with a Bettong in amongst the grass tussocks. This image overall is worth altering as we see potential here. all the best Peter