Thanks for the feedback,your input and your suggestion.
In this new design, I try to describe the extent of grasslands,
that's why I put the tree on the left, and giving more space in the right areas.
eliminate clouds and replace it with a set of flying birds, is a good idea,
and adding kangoro can add atmosphere that feels spacious,
in some of these new designs, I provide some alternative choices of new composition, in placing the animal you want,
but for me, it seems to have character kangoro more appropriate, in describing the extent of grasslands,
I put kangoro a leaping from a distance, and a group of birds flying above it, toward the trees.
There is the impression of freedom in a very wide area.
That's the kind of imagination I felt, when I see and study the data that you include in the file. PDF,
but you better know the environment there, and I leave it all back to you,
advice and input from you, I will wait
thanks Peter, had spent time in reading my thoughts
(This comment references Entry #47)