Hi Nicole, This is my first concept. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to share. I will work on some more ideas myself in addition to find the logo that suits best to your vision.
The idea of the concept: a stylized tooth with an "elegant" dental implant symbol. Please note that the first logos are without tag line, helping you to visualize all possible variations. Thanks! Ake
Hi Ake, So the doctor likes the following: the layout of name & symbol on #1, the font and colors on #3, However he is not that fond of the symbol - the stylized tooth really looks like a butterfly. We really need the symbol to appeal to Men & Women. We would really like to avoid the whole tooth thing- In our opinion its not that really attractve and it is really overused here in the states. I hope this feedback helps with your design. Thanks a bunch for your entries:)
Hi Nicole, Tooth root as a heart - which keeps it healthy and "alive". Also the heart as the symbol for "care". If you need to see more changes, please just let me know. Regards, Ake
So we are having difficulty here. We are going with one of your designs but the dr is not totally satisfied so he wants to combine 2 of your designs . Can you submit another entry with the following combination from Entry 19 -use the colors, the layout PARAMOUNT ORAL SURGERY (on one line) the line ---- COMPASIONATE CARE------ with the icon from entry#16 change font for PARAMOUNT ORAL SURGERY using the font from the link below http://www.urbanfonts.com/fonts/Aquaduct.htm. Thanks
Hi Nicole, Thanks for feedback! I'll improve for you #16 entry and submit shortly the requested revision (color change, different font , etc) for the logo, just to to be suitable for you. Thanks! Regards, Ake