Hello, These are EXCELLENT. could i possibly have the star on #35 switched to a midevil crown ? im loving these. Could i also on # 34 have two lines coming down through the lettering like the line on a P if you can see what i mean.
Hello again, the update on #68 is amazing! can we get another version with the DEMON lettering and the ram head with some different colors ? wanna update #35 with a crown ontop ??
Michael, at this rate i can pretty much say your making it to the finals. Lets work some more on #85 first off , can we get a super thin line in between the two p's ? and could we get a subtle background behind the symbol like a chessboard design or a five point star ?
Michael , I didnt mean to or realize i would offend you by asking this of the contest. My apologies. I hope you are still willing to work on the contest with me as i still have your logo ranked as #1. I think you have the most expertise in this contest and would like to refine your work some more still. I liked how your logo has a real 3d feel to it and it just looks very professional. Could you please do some more designs with the smoke and curly horns ? Again im Sorry i didnt mean to publicize your ideas. please forgive me.