Thanks Foss. You're on the right track. The "pallino" should be a small whiote ball,. not a white block, and the blue ball should look like he's right up next to it and gently pushing it. aLSO, MAYBE MAKE IT A LITTLE MORE EVIDENT THAT THE BLUE BALL'S ARM IS PUSHING THE RED ball away (shoops... sorry for the caps).
Foss: can you do lettering of #4 with the image in 6? Also, can you experiment with bringing the red ball a little closer and into the science more? Lastly, can you try adding a little loving smile on the white ball, looking up to the blue ball as if in gratitude! Not sure this will work but I'd love to see the options. Thanks!
#10 and #11 are two new variations incorporating your input. I've increased the size of the red ball as well as moved it a bit closer to the blue ball. Both have a smile added to the white ball and #10 includes closed eyes to help show the loving expression. I thought closed eyes would be helpful as to not draw to much attention to the white ball.