#23 Can you take Pacific Marine Charters out of the steering wheel and put it larger outside? I want our name to be more visible and maybe put the Creating Memories inside the wheel instead of on the ribbon? Thank you very much. I love the design but really need our name visible THANKS!
Can we make the Pacific Marine Charters letters bigger (font size) so it stands out? Maybe make the steer wheel thicker and the sailboat in the middle smaller? Just some suggestions. We really like this one.
#52 What if the ribbon is white with blue writing of creating memories? Also what is we put Pacific Marine Charters next to the Ship Wheel? Maybe like Pacific and then make th PMC bold? Marine Charters Or stagger them next to the wheel anothr way? Just trying to get the name to stand out more.
Ketut, we are going with 88 but you need to make our name a little bigger, and maybe a slightly different font style, similar to the one in the the #2 ranked position.