HI Jesica, Thank you very much for submitting your entry. I would like to make some modificatrion suggestions that I hope you will be bale to and willing to make. They are: 1. eliminate the leaf within the circle and the wave (or swirl) above the name 2. Increase the font size of the text to be more in balance with the circle containng the PCC 3. Divide the circle in two sections. 3a. section one (left side of circle) draw the sillouette of the state of california in the golden rod color you have now. Therefor, the left side of the circle would not be round but an outline of the west coast. 3b. Right side of cicle would be in the dark green 3c. The letters PCC would be placed in the center, pretty much as you have have them now. There is another logo that was submitted with the sillouette of the state. Hopefully you can use this as a guideline.