I like where you are going with this, I like teh logo with the wave through it. 74, and 73. I also like the wave on the bottom of 76. However the wave form car on the top isn't cohesive with your design and makes it extremely tall. I would like to see that removed and see something a little different. Also tone the purple down a bit and make it more blue. Thanks!
I really like #92 and 93. they are very simple and get across the pacific very nicely. It's missing something though. Is there a way to sneak an abstract car form into that without ruining its beautiful simplicity?
I like the bar you added on the bottom of 128 and 129. There's too much orange though and the waves need to stay blue. Perhaps change the bar to silver?
174 is my favorite. I would like something a little different for the waves on the bottom. 102 has the large wave on the bottom, can you two smaller versions of that wave on each side of the "auto auction"