Hey Don, I flipped through your portfolio and you have a lot of energy in your logos, I like that. You have a lot of friendly logos. I particularly like The "triple J" logo, "The curbside casserole" logo, the "RS farms" logo, and the "cabinetry now"
Entry #2 This is a bit cartoonish, I need something that I can print on a professional polo shirt or stick on the side of a truck. Black backgrounds are out as well. I like the trio of colors with the silver/chrome blue and orange. This is an industrial business and I need a more industrial logo that is simpler and more professional. I'm a wholesaler so I don't need anything particularly eye grabbing for the purposes of gaining market share through advertising. I just need it to look simple polished and professional. THANK you for taking the time and initiative to post so soon. I look forward to seeing more from you!
Hey Don, I really like #8 and #9. Simple, clean, industrial. and to the point. What do you think about the wave line turning into a sort of roof/windshield/hood line of a car? I'm thinking some way to add a car theme to the pacific wave theme.
I really like #26 but something about it looks very....80's I can't place what it is. It might be the line that represents the car or the font I'm not sure. I would appreciate it if you would "play" with a bit. I really like your work.
I'll try some more ideas with that. Is there a specific type of car would would like to emulate? I was using a shape similar to a Porsche so it would still have a nice flowing line which also represents an abstract wave form. Thanks, Don
I like the line exactly for the reasons you stated. Maybe bring the PACIFIC lettering down a bit so the wave cuts into the lettering the way you did with 9 and 10. OR bring the hump of the wave up, "the tip of the windshield/ beginning of roof-line". I think that would help break it up a bit. I also have to be weary of what it look like in black and white as it will be printed heavily SO the the one you just did is a little ornate for that purpose. I'm not a fan of shadowed 3d text. I like the flat look. Thank you so much for your hard work!
Ok, I really like #49 and 43. I like that # 49 is a little thinner top to bottom. I like the wave form piercing the lettering. I also like # 43 I would like to see # 49 with the slanted box like 43. and maybe a more classic lettering style.
here are some fonts that I Like, though i don't know if they will look right on this logo I like them a lot. I would like to hear your thoughts. I like the newer Chrysler fonts because they are short top to bottom, but wide.
Hey Don I really like these, actually most all of them. I would like to find a way to make that really nice abstract wave form car look a bit more like a wave. maybe through a varying color, or add a bit of white tip or bubbles or something. Something small that adds to the idea of the wave. Thank you again for all your hard work!
I'm looking at these and I'm thinking that the waveform car line should be thickened. And I'd like to see some fade to the color, something to spice it up. (I know this is in contrast to what my original intention was)
I like that thicker wave a Lot. I think it might be nice to add a break in it somewhere or adjust it in some way to look like a paintbrush stroke or something along those lines. I would also like to see the DUCATI font used on the PACIFIC portion. I feel so demanding! I'm so sorry. I really, really appreciate all your hard work. Thank you so much!
No problem I will make these changes when I get back to my computer tonight (6pm CDT) BTW, if I Google image "Ducati Logo" is it the font used on the first image shown? Thanks, Don