Number 23 is a lot more like what I was looking for. I really like the font. However, can you read my new general comments and see if you can somehow incorporate a pacifier into the logo. After talking to my partners we all feel we really need it to better show what we do. Thank you.
I like this. really cute. can you please change the font color of the orange to maybe more of a coral / orange. I am thinking it needs less yellow and more red. Also, decrease the width of the nipple on the paci a little so it looks a little more like a pacifier. Not too much. And lets try to divide the tag line across the bottom and make it a little bigger. put "Baby Is Attached To Paci" under Paci and "So Paci Is Attached To Baby!" under Patooties. Make since? I am really liking this new one!
Can you please change the green wording you have to color 6ebcd2 and the pink writing you have to fd6c65? Also, i'm not loving how the tag line is no symmetrical. Can you see if you can find a place to put it so it looks symmetrical but is also bigger? I did not like how in #31 it was so small you couldn't read it. Maybe put it back over to the side but make it bigger?
Can you also please make us an additional one that has a shape around it? no heart please because we don't want it to look too girly. Make the background color of the shape 6ebcd2 and make Paci Patooties color fd6c65 and have the tag line in white.