Thank you for your feedback.. I just uploaded an updated version as per request and unfortunately, i can not make the circle as compass because we are now on " Finalist Phase " and i can not copy on other designers concept like the compass - its against the designers code of conduct. Sorry for that.. but if you have other request other than that, i can make it for you so that i can give you the logo of your desire.. Thank you once again...
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Thank you for your feedback.. I just uploaded an updated version as per request and unfortunately, i can not make the circle as compass because we are now on " Finalist Phase " and i can not copy on other designers concept like the compass - its against the designers code of conduct. Sorry for that.. but if you have other request other than that, i can make it for you so that i can give you the logo of your desire.. Thank you once again...
Best regards,
Also maybe another with the circle as compass similar to first ranked logo?