Thank you for continuing to help us with these iterations. We do like this design - top 2 at this point. Could you try making the brain design part as the actual "o" in Ovid? Once circle instead of 2?
We like this. Could you make the "o" a little larger? Also, could you make the "o" a font that gets thicker and thinner as it goes around the circle, kind of mirroring the semi-circles lines on the design - it could even be two-toned, with dark blue on left half and lighter blue on right half, or vice-versa. Could you make the font of the "Dx" a thinner font so that the "Ovid" is what really stands out.
Thank you.
I like the idea of having the tagline in the logo but I am not sure it is a legible font size. There may just be too many words in it. I like the movement of the logo sort of a combo of neurons and neurotransmitters.
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