I like the concept and colors very much. I will look at them more closely tonight. Is there a way to add a shadow to the letters on #14 and possibly some black as a third color somehow. Not sure exactly where or how that would be used but just a thought. Thank you for the submissions. Also, I think I would like to change the tag line to read - Helping Companies Think Outside the Box - To Reach Their Full Potential.
I like #32 and #34. For #32, could you add the shadow under the box like #30, and for #34 could you do the same but also put the box on the left side instead of the top? I'm trying to figure out which color combination I like. Thank you for the designs.
I like the coloring in #14, but with the cloud instead of the circle outside the box. could you make that change and also add the tag line from #34. Also, could you have the box and the letters casting a shadow on the ground? Also, how about a slightly larger font?
I also like the idea of the organge box because it gives it more color, but I do understand the word outside and the cloud being the same color in order to stand out. What other thoughts do you have as to colors that would go in the Organge/Gold and Gray combinations? If there was some black in it some how would that make certain parts stand out more?
Actually, I am looking at the colors from some other entries. One or two have a darker shade of orange and gray and seem to stand out a little more, so maybe the color conbination is fine, just with a darker shade. Thank you for continuing to work on this.
Ok no problem, my apology for not updating quickly, I'm currently away from my computer until later tonight. Once I get back though, ill give you some other colour options. Thanks again for the constant feedback.