Thanks for you dynamic work. There are certainly elements from each that are appealing -- Entry # 3, I like to colors but the "tone" is to whimsical and childish. Entry #4 and #5 both are strong, I like the logo aspects more than the fonts and the colors. I would like to see more unique font style and variation and more colors. You are definitely on the right track. Keep in mind, that we are a foundation that is dealing with very serious issues that impact children and their families. So the tone needs to be hopeful more than playful... Thanks!
#28 is looking really nice,still not loving the font and the proportion of the work foundation. Ideally the logo could stand alone as could the font. Maybe more like #26 but I like the colors better in #28. I feel like you are close -- just would like to see some more cohesion. I hope this helps.Thanks!
I like the layout/font of #26 better but still like the colors of #28. I think the combination of those two would be cool -- with any additional twists/style you think would be best. Would like to see it all come together! Thanks!!
#37 is definitely looking great and moving in the right direction. There have been new entries that I also love. I know I have to rank 1,2,3 etc... but the top 3 right are all equally impressive. I still think there could be a little more ti make #37 somehow be more iconic. It reminds me of a Keith Haring, but Keith Haring is immediately recognizable. I also want this image to be iconic as we plan on using it in a lot of creative ways.
interesting I never thought of my style emulating him ... I lean towards Romero Britto or Dorit Levenstein to inspire me.... Wish I could understand what you really mean by "iconic" - that could be understood differently.