Thanks so much for submitting your designs! I like your interpretation of what I want and would love for you to work with them a little more. I like the idea of the house on top of my name, but Im not sure I like a house that looks like a picture of a house. Can you play with making the house a graphic image of simple lines? Also, I'd like to see some more color. Please use a royal or sky blue in addition to green.
I also like the use of the swinging golf club in entry #8 and a graphic representation in #6. I don't think I want the O in Oster to be a graphic, so please remove the club images from the O and try putting it on top of my name, so it is a graphic image that stands by itself. If you could somehow allow the handle of the club to form the O instead of making it an O that might be better for me. Same for entry #6, move it above my name and please make the lines a little longer and thinner so they mimic the club a little more accurately.
Thanks again!