Entry #37 - I like your thoughts on this one but can you please take the person out of the O and make it open as in #38. Can you make the print smaller as well as in #38 and maybe make one design with saying Education and Conference Center
Thanks for the update designs can you add Education and Conference Center to # 128 and #129 and remove the Orthopaedic Learning Center words and leave the OLC. Thanks
I think you misunderstood me I liked # 128 and 129 but wanted you to change the wording of "Orthopaedic Learning Center" to Education and Conference Center...Not sure if you can put #128 and #129 back in design. Not sure which way we want to go with it. Thanks
I like 155 the best but we decided to have both names on there doesn't seem right. It either needs to be just Orthopaedic Learning Center or just Education & Conference Center. The board hasn't decided which way to go yet. The OLC definitely stays as is. So if you could do that design both ways I would appreciate it. Thanks for making all of these changes. Pat
I think what I need to see is leaving the dots the same as in #155 as well as the font being used on the Orthopaedic Learning Center but replace in that same position the words Education and Conference Center. Eliminate the black line and wording under it.