#199 and #200. Unique letterform mark suggesting speed and quality. It can also be looked at as a swirl element rotating counterclockwise (with its tip at the top) to suggest time management. Get things done faster and easier.
Thanks for getting back to me! The idea was to make something continuous to give you a clean and organized logo. I've added the red curves to give a little bit of depthto the logo without using glossy efects that would be a pain in printing.
We like the direction you're headed in. Can we see #200 with these changes?
-Make the bottom of the "s" reaching to the bottom of the enclosing circle and blending into it, the way it does on the top of the "s"? Basically repeat the design style at the top of the "s" on the bottom of the "s". - Make the entire design element (not the text) smaller - Add a vertical line between the design emblem and the text to create separation - Make the red more of a true red and less of a maroon/brick - Use the same fonts as #192 - Change the black in the emblem to charcoal gray
1. Definitely on the right track and like the layout of #226. 2. Can you substitute the black in the emblem with charcoal gray? 3. #230 emblem seems to have a more pronounced light gray border (shading) around it, which I like. Can you make the light gray in #226 just a bid more pronounced? 4. Can you substitute the black in the emblem with charcoal gray? 5. How about adding a SM (service mark) superscript? 6. In a separate example, can you have the red in the "S" continue around the circle (becoming thinner in a subtle manner) and end up behind the black, and the black on the opposite side do the same behind the red?
Can you add these adjustments to the last request for #226?
-the red needs to be more like #55 -there needs to be a space between 'Organizing' and 'Systems' -can the tagline be a little smaller and with a little space between it and the company name (its a bit squished)
#235 is the first version. The red might look a bit different on screen because of the small size of the logo, but it is the exact same red as #55. I'll upload the second version soon.
We like #235. We need the tagline to be just slightly larger (not much) and the lower half of the "s" in black. (We decided we liked the black better than the charcoal). If you can make these adjustments, I think this is the one we'll go with.