We love the cow print on the Orcherdhill in entry number 5, and also love the hill/barn in entry number 4. The only other thing we would like to see in the logo is a Holstein itself. Maybe an outline or head.
Hello, i hope your keeping well i've just uploaded a slight revision #18 is now more of a Brown/Red than a red to match the coloration of your herd a little better.
We love the new color, definitely matches the breed better! If you think it could fit, we would still love to see the barn /hill that was in entry #4 somewhere; we think it really matches our farm name well! Thank you for the great designs so far!
Hello again after looking at a few pics of Red Holsteins i thought id amended the colour of the noise on #69 they seem to be a little on the pink side. Have a good weekend and good luck with the rest of the comp.
We love the new nose color on #69, and we would like to go off that one now for some changes. One thing we definitely want changed is the words at the bottom that read, "Red and White Holsteins" to be "BREEDING RED AND WHITE POLLED" in all caps. Also we want to try and make the logo look more like one big thing with the cow, so we were wondering if you could put a barn outline around the cow, just very simple. Also, we think it might be more important for people to know where were from, so we would like it to say Troy, Pa where the established is now. Thanks again!
Thank you for the feedback, i will make these changes for you. Just so you know in Judging mode only the designer ranked number 1 can make changes and supply new versions. You can change the 1st ranked design back and forth at anytime during judging mode if you need to. I hope this helps.