Thank you for your efforts. I believe we are heade in the right direction. Woudl you please use the film reel as the "O" for the "Orange County" as resubmit. Also, I would really like to see the film coming out of reel and morphing into the "Orange County". Appreciate it.
I would like to suggest you could perhaps use film coming out of the reel instead of the green leaf... would you please give this a try to see what it looks like. thanks
Thanks so much for your efforts. I believe we are headed in the right direction! Would you please have film come out of the reel and transition into the "Orange County"
Thanks again, we are headed in the right direction. Can you some how morph the film coming out of the reel into the "Orange County". Perhaps film comes out of the reel and goes under the "Orange County" and slowly fades away. Regards
Excellent. I really appreciate your prompt response. This is starting to look good. Would you please experiment with different thickness and special effects for the film coming of the reel and going under the "Orange County".
Hi, Was wondering what the last two would look like if you just add the green leaves to the orange Reel. Please leave the film coming of the reel and going under the "Orange County". I would also recommend you experiment with the film, so it shows it is a film coming off the reel.
Me again. Wouldyou please put more emphasis on the "Sound Stage" by making it bigger and in bold black so it stands out. The "Orange County" is the name but more importantly it is a "Sound Stage" and we want to put more empahsis on the "Sound Stage"
Thanks. You are so talented and we are so grateful to work with you. We like the Reel and the film having depth to them. Would you please put more emphasis on the "Sound Stage" by making it very black and bold, so it stands out.
Would you please do the same by making "Sound Stage" bold and black for the logo that the reel and the film don't have any depth. I belive this is entry number 27.