#58 is my favorite by right now and I was wondering if you could do something to make OPS stand out a bit more perhaps outline in red or something. dont change the format of the logo I love the way it lays right now but just something to enhance the name OPS. thanks!
#62 Just added some minute details. The some delicate crop field and a couple flames, plus letters that are more legible in small size. Other changes include (shadowing of the golf ball, suggests a ball standing on a banner instead of a ball flowing in the air, and shadow around the corners of the bottom banner).
I just got back from a hectic business trip and saw that you have moved my last entry to position number 2 , so now I cannot post the revisions I have had executed. Of course it is only fair, so I wish you happy time selecting the winning entry, because you have quite a few great logos here. If you want me to post the few changes I have executed feel free to moved it back to position 1 so that I can post the variations/revisions. (2 revisions, including differetn shield design, ribbon design and more prominent OPS).