I like the roofline in #5 but I'm not sure about the 2 stylized doors - one seems to make more sense. #6 looks good with the blue added in. Maybe try a little less burnt in the orange color. I think we are leaning toward dropping the Inc. (not an LLC) altogether. I would like to see some more stylized font also. I like what you did with Chocs coffee house logo
Hi my name is Kevin, I'm the other owner of this company, so you have two people providing feedback here, we'll try to keep the feedback the same so as not to confuse you. I really like 9, 10, and 11. I'll take some time and figure out what it is I like about them and let you know. Your heading in the right direction though. Thank you.
Kevin here again, On 9, let me see some other variations of that design, I know your curving the doors to give the appearance of a sphere but let me see what it looks like with straight doors. I think the doors in the circle on 10 are a little more abstract than we were envisioning, though I like that concept as well with the shadowing and the separate emblem. Same for 11. A little less abstract on the door designs I think. Your designs are great.
I liked the coloring on 9, changing them in 34 I think detracts from the logo, removing the chimney and keeping the doors so narrow now makes it look more like a stock market ticker. Lets bring the coloring in 9 back into 34 and make the doors more proportional to a real door instead of so skinny and replace the chimney to keep the house look, instead of the graph look. 35 and 36 didn't come across so well, #10 still seems to be a favorite also, can we close off the bottom of the doors and maybe make them look more like doors with a division 1/3 of the way up possibly? I think I still like #9 and #10 best, my brother likes #33. Another possibility on #10 is to make it look like a deadbolt lock with a key hole in it, see what that looks like. Thank you for all your hard work, they look great. Kevin
Here they are based on your request #49 #50 #51 #52
The coloring is different on these as I am on another location having them prepared from scratch. So if you like them coloring, lettering wouldn't be an issue later on.