OAJ handwritten initials for logo - puts your 'stamp of approval' on your business. I believe it personalizes it. Great for different applications. Color separated slogan to emphasize the words helping and experience. Thanks.
Here's another one along the same idea, but changed the writing on name to better match image. Also included a round button with logo on it so you have a better idea what it will look like on color background.
#169 Since I am getting down to the wire I started by ranking before I read your comments. I understand the Green part of the logo. I will move this up. I like the bigger font on this one. Thanks for the submission, Mike
Mike - Thanks for the bump! If I can add to my thoughts on this logo is that it will give you room to be creative. You can have fun with it by doing patriotic backgrounds, whether round, square, brush stokes or otherwise. It's easily adaptable to different applications - t-shirts, mugs, stationary, business cards, etc. And I'm available to work with you after wards if you need anything else. Thanks again, and best of success with your business. - Brewster