One Source Property Maintenance, Inc.Logo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / One Source Property Maintenance, Inc.

One Source Property Maintenance, Inc. has selected their winning logo design.

For $475 they received 222 designs from 11 different designers from around the world.


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Logo Designer
The green color of the background and the palm trees depicts freshness along with some flowers and a butterfly on it. Have tried to show a lawn that depicts Lawn Maintenance, Landscape for landscaping work, a house graphic (that depicts either residential or commercial). And a sun that depicts one source of sunshine. Just an initial thought...need your inputs on this.

(This comment references Entry #3)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Same concept with a black background

(This comment references Entry #4)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Similar concept with a different logo design.

(This comment references Entry #5)
13 years ago

Good start! I need my design to be a little simpler than your entry in which I have so ranked 2nd so far. I don't want it to be to busy as this would not catch the customer eyes when I'm driving down the road. I like the boldness and simplicity of the design ranked # 1,of my company name, but instead of the 4 leaves above the half circle, try a rising sun with rays bursting out with a warm a "realistic" feel, and look. Maybe the house idea is good that depict commercial and residential work, and a bolder more serious palm would be preferred, something that looks more like in does in this area of Florida. not so artsy, more serious" so customers see that, "get down to business look" want to call us for work not coffee. Thanks for your entries, I hope you continue to try and win!
13 years ago
....also no butterflies of little flowers are necessary as our business evolves around more manly land cleanup. keep up the good work.

13 years ago
Logo Designer
The logo is inside an O of One source. Made the palm trees bolder.

(This comment references Entry #6)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Same concept on a yellow background. You can wear a light yellow or a light green color shirt in summer and you wont feel hot.

(This comment references Entry #7)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
against green background

(This comment references Entry #8)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
against black background

(This comment references Entry #9)
13 years ago
Very nice touch ups... I have rack the one as second now. Can you work on making the sun more realistic, and try making what looks like grass with stripes just green, Please keep tweaking the palm, and the trying the O design I think your getting somewhere!
13 years ago
Logo Designer
I just read your message, but this is what is have done so far. Have added a glow and the house color is a brick red and a path way from the house. I will try making the logo as per your suggestions from your recent message..

(This comment references Entry #14)
13 years ago
Yes I saw it, I appreciate your work, but think I may not be expaining my self via email clear enough? though the updates are noticable they are what I had in mind. Am I doing something wrong? should I increase the price for a top designer. This is the first time I have used this service, and am unsure of how to get what Im look for.

13 years ago
Logo Designer
Tried to make it like a seal... your explanation was clearer than earlier now. As to what I understood now is that you are interested in making your logo like a seal. I have yet to incorporate the words One Goal, Your property. Let me know.

(This comment references Entry #15)
13 years ago
Thanks for staying on top of the project. I did rank the latest as # 1. There is still just under 3 days remaining until contest is over. I like the progress. From where we are now, I like to see your ideas of different colors and fonts concerning a seal. The seal will allow me to use many different shirt colors.

It seems as though you may win, but please use the time left in the contest to fine tune what we've got. I don't want another designer to come in a swoop it up at from you as you have been consistent. If I go the seal route which is likely, I want it to stand out "so much" people ask me who did that for you! I will of course refer you to them. Please see what you can do to make it POP even more with "masculinity". In our business we work hard, sweat hard, and take care of our customers.... I know some people could care less about a logo, but for me its my imagine, my introduction. I guess what I'm trying to say is please submit the same idea a few different times, make the One Source Font stand out more, perhaps you can add a few rays to the sun, but keep that slight glow. I think the palm trunk might look good as a light brown, and the palm fronds have realistic edges- I like the green grass. what about a Sago palm or two in the open green space? Perhaps you can Google images of seals, and palms etc, to trigger more ideas... Do you think the walkway is too much? or could we do something to liven it up like make it a stone path?, the house may look a little better as a different color against the other colors. Does it need a door or do you advise against it? Again I like the progress, and just need to use the last days of the contest to make the seal have a "POWERFUL" look, I want people to look at it and go WOW! In the end I want the logo to scream A ONE STOP SHOP for outside property maintenance. please feel free to share any ideas, or ask any questions.... if you need to contact me at my office so I can express it more, that would be okay, and may help. let me know your thoughts!


13 years ago
Logo Designer
I tried putting stones but they didnt look good but cluttered. uploading this for you to see.

(This comment references Entry #31)
13 years ago
This is your best seal yet, There is still time left in the contest..... shorten the roof so it doesn't touch the palms, lose the stripes in the grass, make the sun a little bit more visible with the a few rays, keep the slight glow you have on it though, that's good I think. I like the banner idea on the bottom, but change the banner so that it is not solid black, and drop it just a tiny bit below the seal. Not crazy about the font in ONE SOURCE Property Maintenance on banner or other font on the seal. Not sure if the house being black works with the path from a window? A green house might be a conflict with the rest of the colors of I think, please make the banner with sharp edges, and lastly the slogan is

One Source, One Goal...
Your Property

Thanks for staying in there! good luck
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Let me know if this is how you had in mind? The house is not toughing the palm trees. Have increased the rays of the sun, glow is still there and sun is visible. Have changed the fonts to bold and simple ones.
In one of the next entries I have the banner slightly below the seal. In this one it is overlapping the seal but not the inner graphic which i feel makes a part of the logo. U suggest?

(This comment references Entry #46)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
house and trees on left side to make the sun more visible. rest all is same.

(This comment references Entry #47)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
banner slightly below the seal.

(This comment references Entry #48)
13 years ago
I like entry #47 with the sun showing more. There is still time.... Here’s what Id like to see concerning # 47

* shorten the roof more so it is not touching the furthest palm

* remove picket fence

* I like the bullets in the slogan but think it would look better with -bullet- ONE SOURCE-bullet- ONE GOAL - bullet, then equally spaced on bottom of seal -bullet- YOUR PROPERTY - bullet

* this will call for dropping the banner ever so slightly below the seal, concerning the banner, try curving the edges of the banner sharply upward flowing with the seal. make it black and white. so there is never a color conflict

* Lastly once this update has been completed please make the entire logo black and white so I can compare to colored version, lose the door on house if necessary, also wondering what I straight path coming from the house would look like compared to a wavy one? please let me see this, not straight down the seal just straight outward at an angle vs. curvy. Hope this makes sense. Good work hanging in there. There is a ranked entry where logo is black and white if you need a reference.
13 years ago
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