Hi, please find my first entries attached. Simple use of the E turned 90 degrees to create a chart showing growth - represents increasing returns. Simple, modern and effective.
Please let me know if you'd like to see any changes.
Thank you very much for your great entries. I'm delighted to say one of your designs are in the top 5. Ref my earlier comment, other people 'got' the sideways E faster than I did - it may just be me :)
how do you think we can we make the design even better? are there any questions you'd like to discuss?
Hi Peter, thanks for your feedback and ranking - I'm pleased to hear I'm in your top 5 favourite designs. Sorry for the delay in responding but I had a really busy day and have only just had a chance to login to LT to check progress.
As for making the design better, I could try some alternative fonts if you'd like? My whole idea was based around using a very simple but effective graphic chart shape from the E - I wanted to do something stylish, modern and professional so would be tempted to try keeping it simple. Alternative fonts would give the design a different look, so I could try this.
Is there anything else that you'd like me to try out? Please let me know if there is and I'll happily oblige in the morning.
Another option would be to make each bar on the chart a different shade of blue/aqua. I think this looks good without being to out there with it's colouring.
Really like the font on 121 - the bolder text conveys solidity. do you think it would be possible to have all letters (except the e) in a very dark grey/charcoal/black? And the E in another colour? perhaps Orange, red or pink?
Hi Peter, some new versions uploaded with the colours you mentioned and also purple as an option. One thing I would say is that I'm not too sure about using red. This is normally a negative colour to use where investments are concerned so would probably want to avoid this if I were you.
Glad you liked the bolder text - I also feel it adds strength and solidity and a sense of trust to the brand.
Again, please let me know if you'd like to see any changes.