#83 with sense of urgency around the clock feel (the laptop also has the look of the arms of a clock) . Very recognizeable...no need to be like another company...this is unique to you....Maybe they'll want their logo to look more like yours....:) thank you so much. #88
Hey VIDI, those are some awesome logos, sorry for being for demanding. on your recent logos that u uploaded. can you have the guy carrying the laptop on his side instead of holding it in front of him. On the cover of the laptop i want the "OT" or "OMATECH" pls dont mind i am crazy can the person look a littler realtistic and bigger. what do you think is that the right size or it will look bad. thanks
Hey, can you please come up with something different. drop this running person. I would like to see a new fresh design. btw entry 129 is now first choice. thanks
#154 - #161 i feel the font choice and overall feel is achieving the professional and credible look you are asking for. ...even the running guy looks professional here #157 i think #155 #156 #160 are very strong in particular ...would you like to see any adjustments aside from adding the S at the end of service? (sorry about that, it's an easy fix) thank you