OlehLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Oleh

Oleh has selected their winning logo design.

For $375 they received 181 designs from 33 different designers from around the world.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Hi twonzone!
thanks for your logo! We like your stile but we feel that the logo does't have the "approach" suitable for a logistic company specialized most in sports...
Could you please work on some other options, considering that we are most of all a logistic company and that we want to comunicate agility, eficiency, flexibility and confidence with elegance?
we also would like to use the brasilian colors like green, blue and yellow.
thank you in advance! We keep looking forward to see your new logos!!!
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Hello! I can't upload any submissions now because in this Judging mode only the first ranked designer can upload the new options.

10 years ago
Hi Townzone,

The contest is open again!
we are looking foward to receive your new ideas for the logo!

All the best,
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Ok! Wait a moment. I will upload a new options
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Ok! Wait a moment. I will upload a new options
10 years ago

Thank you so much for the logo!
if you have any other different ideas we would be more them happy to receive!

All the best from Brazil,

10 years ago
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