Hi. Thanks. More like a real old time go cart, with two men or women in in in thier 60s with the wagon wheels and the stick brakes and the string stearing and they should be on a cell phone and not paying attention to the cliff ahead.
yes, front and back, in a non motorized go cart going down a hill. a kids go cart made of used wood with a stick on the tire for a brake on the back tire which is a wagon or skateboard wheel, so the one in the back can brake, and a string system to the front wheels so the one in the fromt can steer. the cartoon is at the time they approach the bottom of the hill, or cliff or some other danger, and the brake man tries the brake and it come off, nd he shows the one steering who begins to jump off because he knows there are no brakes.
i like the color of the grass in 12, try a little darker green, but i like the bacground scenery in with the tree and hill much better. Faces should be a little panic and a little happy. Person in back should be holding the brake out for the driver to see and the driver should be looking at it, and they can be going down a hill like the one you did in 8 or heading unknowingly into a lake at the end of the road. If possible to include another go cart showing a race, that would be great as well. Characters should be like kids, but showing their age of about 55, some grey and some wrinkles but with a kids posture and disposition.
i like angle of 16 with less thikness in the trees, and some grey in the hair, and a little softer look in the face, but still a wild eyed look like what you have already