Hi, Viki. Thanks again for all these updates. I had another conversation with our ownership and other stakeholders this evening, and they liked your recent designs, especially this variant. The biggest feedback I have from the owner is that he dislikes the look of oak leaves that are — for lack of a better description — limp looking. He wants to convey more of a sense of strength and fortitude, and he's wondering if you could provide updates to your designs that feature a straight, vertical oak leaf (and any other changes you's like to make). Thanks for letting me know if you can provide those revisions. I know you're not currently in the top spot, but I'll be moving you there shortly.
We'll be moving a few other designers into the top 5 today, but that's no reflection of a loss of interest in these designs. They are firmly in our handful of favorites at this time.
Ok, now I'll try a few variations:) If you have a preferred gradient, you can upload it to the bref to make it easier for the designers. Best regards! Viki
I'd like to move you into one of the top spots just in case you have any further ideas for this design. The feedback I'm getting is that our stakeholders like the color choices and variety of colors, and the creative incorporation of the leaf and acorn. Something our owner seems to like in designs is a color gradient of some kind. If you would like to apply a gradient to this, that would be great. Otherwise, please know that this logo is firmly among our favorites.
Just want you to know that we're moving some other designs into the top 5 today to see what some revisions look like. We like this design as one of our favorites, but just wanted you to know that we're not dropping you down because of loss of interest — just wanted to give a couple other designers a shot before the next phase.
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