And for this logo, Daniel, our owner said he felt like the leaf looked too reminiscent of a feather. If you could update this one as well, we'd appreciate it.
Hi, Daniel. Our owner has come back to this design. He said it feels like the leaf looks too much like a feather and is wondering if we can see an updated design. Thanks!
Thank you so much Daniel for these updated designs. They look wonderful! Our team and ownership is regrouping this weekend about the designs. We might have a couple other designers move into the top spot, but you're certainly in our top 3 right now.
Hi, Daniel. Thanks again for all these updates. I had another conversation with our ownership and other stakeholders this evening, and they liked your recent designs, especially this variant (and those like it). The biggest feedback I have from the owner is that he dislikes the look of oak leaves that are — for lack of a better description — limp looking. He wants to convey more of a sense of strength and fortitude, and he's wondering if you could provide updates to your designs that feature a straight, vertical oak leaf (and any other changes you's like to make). Thanks for letting me know if you can provide those revisions. I know you're not currently in the top spot, but I'll be moving you there shortly.
Really nice work on these updates. Better than I hoped for. Thanks so much for taking time to create these. We're moving a few more designers into the top 5, so please don't take your temporary move down the rankings as a loss of interest: your designs are firmly among our favorites.
Thanks, Daniel. We'll be moving some of our favorite designs into the top 5 — and later the top spot — in the next couple days. We like the bold and clean look of this design. Our owner tends to like designs with a little sense of dimension, usually color gradients. Thanks for all your work.
Comment Activity
Thank you very much for your comments.
Yes, please I will work on the changes.
Thank you for the opportunity.
Sincerely. Daniel. ;)
Thanks for your consideration.
Remember, any comments or suggestions, I will be attentive
Have a great day.
Greetings. Daniel. ;)
Thank you very much for the opportunity.
Please review these options #491 #492 #493 #494 #495 #496 #497 #498 #499 #500 #501 #502 #503 #504 #505, and tell me what you think.
Any comments, I am attentive.
It will be a pleasure to continue working for you.
Greetings. Daniel.
thanks again for your comments.
Of course, I'm going to work on those changes in the meantime.
Sincerely. Daniel. ;)
Any comments or suggestions you have, please let me know.
Sincerely. Daniel. ;)
Thank you for the opportunity. Here are the new proposals
For review, #395 #396 #397 #398 #399 #400 #401 #403 let me know what you think.
Sincerely. Daniel.
Thank you very much for your comments.
I appreciate your consideration towards my design.
Any comments or suggestions please let me know,
it will be a pleasure to continue working for you.
have a nice day.
Greetings. Daniel. ;)
I hope all is well. ☺
Thank you very much for rating my design.
I am happy to participate in your contest.
If you have any other comments or suggestions, please let me know.
It will be a pleasure to continue working.
Sincerely. Daniel.