Hello Many thanks for your offers. Your Entry 4 is like the Midcentury.com. The design is too common and the text around the stamp 100 Objekte Auktion is too much...may be you can use the two layers and put a hammer into onto whatever on the word Auktion and you put the okayart as a baseline....or into the red.... Okay? Best regards Reha
Hi - thank you for the feedback. I'll rework #13 for you. Will you reconfirm the web address that you mentioned looked like #4? The url you gave me was a telecommunication company.
Well the Entry 34 is not bad but use first the word "Auktion" then 100 Objekte and make a hammer which is not too big but everyone sees that it is a hammer on/ around the word Auktion ;-)
Hello - please take a look at new entry #59. If possible, I would like to replace entry #36 with this new entry. The only difference is the placement of the hammer.
The reason for my request is that Foalart has accused me of copying his design (his entry #1 - hammer above the "o"). Although it is clearly not the case, I want to avoid any issues.