inspiration: the process from tree, to hand hewn beam, to re-finished final product... very clean, modern, and professional... designed to work well in full, reverse, or one color... thanks for your time...
Hi Mo! Yes, I was happy to see you on here again, as a winner of a past contest. We have a different client involved, and they will probably be more active with feedback, so not all the comments you see on here will come from me (Jeremy). By the way, we'll keep this one on schedule and get the winner paid faster. We have a meeting scheduled 7 days from now to pick a winner and get it done.
Regarding your submissions: Good start. Could you also try some variations where "Ohio Valley" is significantly larger lettering than "Reclaimed Wood" ?
Basically, we want "Ohio Valley" to be the brand, and "Reclaimed Wood" to be more of a descriptor.
It's Jeremy here... my client didn't understand exactly how the ranking process worked when the contest started, and I just found out that she had marked your logos (and many others) "not interested" when she should have just ranked them beneath the first place entry at the time. That's my bad for not explaining things well enough.
I saw and liked your original concepts. Could you please re-post them and we'll rank them accordingly? We really only like the one we have ranked in first right now, but I know that you can come up with some other quality concepts for us to consider.
We're making a final decision promptly tomorrow when the contest ends.
Hello Jeremy, here they are... I'm not sure which was in 16 but I'm guessing it was one with Ohio Valley placed more prominently... I can revise from the #1 spot after the contest has ended... ( I was actually stuck out of town + just got back to work this morning so sorry about the delay...) I've used some greens as well as I see the client seems to be leaning this way...