I like the representation of a spine within the logo. I was wondering if you could also submit the same logo but with capitalized letters? Also try with different color combinations?
Hi, Thanks for the updated design--I like the capitalized letters; however,can you change the font to Times New Roman in a dark color(black or dark blue)?
Also, I was wondering if I may ask you to use a color other than purple in the symbol? Perhaps shades of blue
Hi, thanks for submitting #61. I had no problem seeing it was a torso but am wondering if there is any way you can make it so there is a subtle outline of the person's arms. I can see how some other people may misinterpret the torso for a star.
Also, is there any way to make the spine a little longer(so that it extends beyond the target symbol)?
Also, perhaps make the target symbol a different color than blue? Not sure--I'll leave it to your artistic discretion to decide.
#63: I'm not sure what is wrong with the human figure's pose. Also, the spine itself is hard to see? Perhaps you could change it so the person's pose is slightly at an angle? Also, as I mentioned earlier, different color(other than red)? thanks again.