Odd Breed Wild AlesLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Odd Breed Wild Ales

Odd Breed Wild Ales has selected their winning logo design.

For $700 they received 219 designs from 41 different designers from around the world.








Prefers others.


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Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Dear Designer, thanks you so much for your submission! After carefully analyzing every single logo on the site we've come up with these few things we like and don't like. Please take these into consideration and resubmit updated drafts. Thanks!
1. Logo Wise, The name of the company is Odd Breed so those two words should be primary. Wild Ales is our main style of beer to produce so those two words should take a secondary position in the composition. Then after reviewing your submissions, we've decided that we want our slogan to be there too on a tertiary position. We are still trying to make up our minds on FONT and are not entirely sure on what we're looking for so if possible, please submit your ideas with as many font variations as you can to increase the chances of us finding the one we like. What we do know is that "Odd Breed' and "Wild Ales" should make use of different fonts. Wild Ales in stylized cursive is something we've liked so far.
2. Avatar Wise, we were very specific on our brief that we wanted the cat's back to be facing the viewer. We do not want to see the cat's face at all! Even though we did not specify the position of the barrel, we've decided we want all submissions to use barrels in an upright position, not on its side. None of the barrels we plan on using have spigots so avoid adding one to your designs please. Also, please take into consideration the size of the Cat compared to the barrel, some of the cats are quite large compared to the barrel, it will never be a true size ratio to real life, but the cat should not be the same size as the barrel. We really liked that some submissions have a scenic background! We like that a lot and would like to see more of that, but the background should be more Florida. Instead of Cactuses we could use a palm tree... instead of mountains the sea... the whole thing made me think about oak barrels in an old dock with the cat on top.
3. Composition wise, don't get too caught up on enclosing your submissions on circles, squares, and banner-looking canvases. Focus more on making your barrel, cat, and fonts awesome and on placing these elements in a hierarchical way based on our previous comments. Est. 2015 looks cool on some of your submissions, but it's not a must.
Last but not least, our favorite submissions so far have cats that are a bit more caricaturesque. Take some liberties on your cats as far as making them unique, exaggerate features but not too much. The idea of the Cat comes from the fact that Cats are known to be untamable, wild, and independent. We want our cat to be an imposing figure, almost intimidating.
This few paragraphs have been sent to all of you. I will now personally comment on some of the submissions for more specific feedback.
Again, thank you so much for participating in this contest! We're excited to see more of your work!
9 years ago
Thank you for your submission! Besides previous indications, your cat's tail could be hanging down a bit more, it shows that he's relaxed and in control.
9 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi, thanks for the rank and feedback.
I submit new revision, i hope you like it, thanks again

all the best
9 years ago
The overall feel, sizing, and placement are very good. We also like the cat a lot. We think the barrel looks more like a whiskey barrel than a wine barrel. Whiskey barrels are a little shorter and are more squat, whereas wine barrels are a little taller and are more tapered on the ends. We really like the text for ‘Wild Ales’ but I would like to see some other options for ‘Odd Breed

9 years ago
Logo Designer
Ok, I submit new revision,
I hope you like it, thanks again

all the best
9 years ago
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