This design looks very strong and i like how added the different elements in all of your entires. I like entry 26 with the solid black background and all of the elments put together. i like entry 23 with few elements and i love the way the font looks. Maybe if you can add the font type to 26 and take out some of the red swoosh elemnets and leave the rays in the back and see how that looks. But not limited to your creativity. And give him a blackbelt please
Thanks so much for the feedback, but unfortunately during the judging mode only the 1st ranked designer who can still submit revisions. So you need to put me at 1st rank so I able to submit new entries for you
I like #47 I stands out . Can you change the color on the font to silver but not limited too and the rays in the back to see how different colors make it look.
I like the new risks you have taken for entries 136 135. The metallic looks cool and stands out. Can you add a white outlining to the OCMA and see how that looks
Okay, there you go #137 but I think the white outline doesn't worked well since the metallic color consist of white color which will make the text become a bit unreadable.. Oh BTW, I have made two sketches for the silhouette. I will upload them soon for you to see how they look. I hope you like it