Love the ranked ones. I like things that are simple, abstract, yet has an impact due to its uniqueness. This can be seen with the 3rd ranked logo where you converted a dart into a Martini glass. I especially like that one but when placed in from of the name, makes it look like the company name is Yoche. Also thank you for your many posts. Really like your work, please more if possible based on my comments. Thanks.
Hello kenshin130, I had to withdraw the designs because the use of the H with a dart was used by another designer. It was my mistake of not checking the entries before I submitted.
Das I actually like that one the most at this point in time. The dart on yours and his are different therefore I believe it should be fine. Unless the other artist is complaining?
Ok, so you're still #1. Mainly because I really like the "Martini dart" logo which looks classy cuz of the Martini glass, obvious enough it's a dart, and it also looks somewhat like a female's private part which subliminally will appeal to men. That's all good but I have the following concerns:
1) If you enclose the martini-dart in either the egglike shape or the inverted trapezoid, it just looks like a vag*** from a distance. I think you might have noticed it as well hence you tilted it in the later submission. Perhaps enclose it in another shape? 2) If enclosed in a shape and placed on top of the company name, it looks awesome, but reminds me of automobile industry. 3) #112 and #113 are my favorites but still not perfect.
I guess it boils down to where and how to put the Martini-dart. Don't want anyone to mistake that as a "Y". Don't want it to look too much like a private part but I love it because of the subliminal message it gives so I'd like to keep it. The colors are also very important as it'll be created into a sign board outside the building, it'll be on printed matters, and it'll be on three dimensional souvenir items. I'll leave you with these comments as there's not much time left till the closing phase.
Honestly I didn't get the Vag ref. till you mentioned it. Now I can't get it out of my head. Ha ha
I think the slanted glass has more fun and action anyway but I still like them both.
Its the kind of logo you can have a bit of fun with and still keep a consistent at brand look. It can be reconfigured to go on to many things but I don't think you find the one logo that will work 100% well universally.
It should be rescaled and adjusted to suit the medium it printed on, so things should be designed. As far as colors go I think we can work that out together and they change to whatever you need.
I'll try a couple more avoiding the "Y"oche effect.
Hi kenshin130, after you select the winner you can certainly continue the relationship with that designer outside of LT.
Its normal for designers work with clients after the competition to make tweaks or do additional freelance work. That relationship is just between you and the designer.
Excellent~! Then don't bother with anymore new designs as I'm pretty you'll win this one already. I already played around with different fonts and the mark you designed, and pretty much came up with what I want. Once the contest is done, I'll send you all the info needed to create the final design. Just in case, my email addy is if you need to contact me hereon.