So far, 3 and 14 are the leaders. The graphic is striking, but i'd like to explore something that conveys the work we do.
Maybe I can clarify our business a bit. We design and build custom experimental "listening" and "sound generation" electronics for research in sonar and underwater acoustics. These systems are sometimes used near the surface (suspended from buoys) and sometimes are hidden on the bottom in water as deep as 20,000 ft. An example is a high power sound source that hangs off a small boat. The sound mimics navy sonars and is used to study the effect on Whales. A big part of our business is "towed arrays", which are long thin cables instrumented with hydrophones (underwater microphones). These are towed by both submarines, and lately by unmanned underwater vehicles (UUVs). UUVs look "torpedo-like". A graphic of a torpedo-shaped vehicle towing a thin cable might be interesting. A bunch of small, evenly-spaced dots on the cable would represent the sensors. This might be a smaller, more subtle graphic (maybe under the text). Don't want to get too cluttered, though. I'll rely on your judgement there.
Not sure that helps or not. Thanks.